Train hard.
Push yourself.
Get results.
KL Training is Built On,
Evidence Based Training & Nutrition For Results.
I’m Kim Leggett, a former Miss Universe Malaysia and fitness model. My mission at KL Training is to help people be the best version of themselves and to help push yourself to accomplish your fitness goals.
I specialise in body transformations, strength & hypertrophy training and comp prep with a big emphasis on nutrition.
Customised support that includes
individualised Macros and Nutrition Plan. Regular video check ins, full App access and 24/7 weekday support. With 3 different tiers we are sure there is one just right for your training goals.
For those ready to focus on FAT LOSS or BUILD muscle mass we have 4 custom programs. With plans for both females and males that can help you achieve your desired results to get you looking and feeling your best.
Macros &
Nutrition PLANS
If it’s a 4 week plan or a 1 off meal plan, KL Training has you covered. With personalised macros to suit your goal, meal plan examples and supplement recommendations
You’re next! Check out these amazing client transformation